Mobile Doctor Visit provides patients the opportunity to connect with their doctor via video and text message. The HIPAA compliant Mobile Doctor Visit app allows patients to connect with their doctor if they have chosen to be listed in the app..
What is unique about Mobile Doctor Visit is the ability for community-based health care providers to offer their services to the patients they already serve as well as
acquiring new patients through a telemedicine platform.
Unlike many other mHealth apps, Mobile Doctor Visit provides the medical practice, urgent care or hospital the opportunity to reach their clients in their community.
Mobile Doctor Visit incorporates these great features:
- Video Chat with a Doctor or medical professional at your
- Ability to enter symptoms, medical history, family medical
details, lifestyle information, medications and allergies
- Select medical providers by specialty or first available
- Send and receive messages from the medical provider
- Stores Pharmacy Information, Insurance information,
Primary Care Physician information and your favorite
- Allows you to rate medical providers based on your
personal experience
- Stores your call history with each medical provider
- Provides specific call information including; date/time of
call, medical provider information, cost of call, reason for
call and more
- Includes a comprehensive Consultation Summary for use
with insurance companies, employers or schools
- View medical providers’ biographies and professional
credentials prior to selecting them.
The Mobile Doctor Visit app is beneficial to healthcare providers of all sizes and the patients they serve.
Mobile Doctor Visit eliminates the need to spend long hours in waiting rooms, patients can reach a physician at their convenience, this medical platform makes healthcare practices more efficient and takes advantage of the latest
technology available.
If your doctor is not listed in Mobile Doctor Visit, ask them to become part of the growing list of physicians that are using telemedicine to connect with their patients.
Contact Mobile Telemedical, Inc. @ 502-632-0111 for more information on how you can become a doctor listed on Mobile Doctor Visit or visit or